The Rise of Esports: Top Games and What You Need to Know

Esports, or electronic sports, has become a popular topic among gambling enthusiasts in recent years. This form of competitive gaming has gained significant traction in the online betting market. So, what exactly is esports and which games are attracting players and bettors? Let’s find out.

Explanation of Esports:
Esports, short for electronic sports, is a form of competitive gaming where professional players compete in various video games. These competitions are often held online and utilize electronic devices such as PCs and mobile phones. Players use control devices like mice, keyboards, and controllers to compete online.

Unlike traditional sports, esports takes place in a virtual environment. The gaming environment can vary depending on the game being played. During competitions, players not only utilize their gaming skills but also demonstrate mastery of control devices like mice and keyboards.

To compete professionally, players need to have a deep understanding of the games and possess excellent gaming skills. Similar to other sports, esports require teamwork and strategic thinking to achieve victory.

Origin and Development of Esports:
To understand the origin and development of esports, let’s take a closer look at its history.

Esports in the 1972-1989 Period:
The beginning of esports can be traced back to October 19, 1972, when the first-ever video game competition called “Intergalactic Spacewar Olympics” took place at Stanford University. The competition featured the game Spacewar and was organized by Atari. The prize for the competition was one year of free Rolling Stone magazine subscription.

In the summer of 1981, Walter Day founded Twin Galaxies, a video game record-keeping organization. Twin Galaxies aimed to promote video games and publicly recognize records, similar to the Guinness Book of World Records.

In 1983, the United States established a video game team that participated in the Video Game Masters Tournament for Guinness, as well as sponsored the North American Video Game Challenge. During this period, esports and professional gamers gained recognition in renowned publications like Life and Time. One of the most sought-after gamers at that time was Billy Mitchell, who held six esports world records, including Pac-Man and Donkey Kong, recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records in 1985.

From 1983 to 1989, esports television programs started airing, including the American show Starcade. This marked the beginning of esports as a genre.

Esports in the 1990-1999 Period:
In the 1990s, as society developed and the internet became more accessible, PC-based team-based games gained significant popularity. One of the first team-based online games was Netrek, developed in 1988.

Netrek required players to use open-source cross-platform software to build within the game. Its distinctive feature was the use of Metaservers to determine server locations and constantly update player information. In 1993, Wired Magazine referred to Netrek as the “first online esports.”

In 1990, the largest esports tournament in the US, the Nintendo World Championships, took place nationwide. The tournament’s grand finals were held in California. In 1994, Nintendo organized the second World Championship called “94 Nintendo PowerFest” for the Super Nintendo entertainment system.

During this period, TV programs combining esports were also introduced, such as GamesMaster and Bad Influence in the UK, or the gameshow Amazing in Australia. Additionally, significant esports tournaments like the Cyberathlete Professional League (CPL) and QuakeCon emerged.

Esports from 2000 to the Present:
Enter the 2000s, esports experienced substantial growth in terms of prize money and viewership. Although esports tournaments only appeared in the early 2000s, they have now become widespread and attract a large audience.

Prominent and successful esports tournaments during this period include the World Cyber Games, Intel Extreme Masters, and Major League Gaming. These tournaments gained attention and interest from gamers worldwide. In recent years, esports has even been featured in major sports events like the Southeast Asian Games.

Exploring Successful Esports Games:
Apart from understanding the origin and development of esports, it’s essential to explore some of the most successful esports games available today. These games provide excellent options for betting aficionados.

League of Legends (LoL):
One of the most popular esports games today is League of Legends (LoL). It is a team-based game with impressive visuals and character designs. LoL offers diverse gameplay strategies in each match. Players need not only individual skills but also teamwork and coordination with their teammates to achieve victory.

LoL hosts several major tournaments like the All-Star and the World Championships. The World Championships, in particular, sets impressive viewership records, with over 3.9 million viewers.

CS:GO (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive):
CS:GO is a popular team-based first-person shooter (FPS) game. What sets CS:GO apart is its high level of interaction with the gaming community through live streaming. CS:GO remains a dominant FPS game, with a total of 354 million hours of stream watched.

Dota 2:
Dota 2 is another successful esports game that offers players and viewers an exciting and intense experience. From Draft to the final match, Dota 2 showcases the game’s attractiveness and thrill. Despite a slight decrease in viewership due to the pandemic, Dota 2 continues to captivate viewers, with over 253 million hours watched. The International is one of the most-watched tournaments with more than 2 million views.

PUBG Mobile:
PUBG Mobile, a mobile version of the popular PUBG PC game, has become one of the most popular and well-known esports games. PUBG tournaments attract a significant number of participants and a considerable following, especially the PUBG Mobile Global Championship.

With the detailed information provided by W88, we hope you now have a better understanding of esports. Explore these exciting esports games and choose the one that suits your preferences. Participating in these games will undoubtedly bring you joy and excitement after a long day of work.


  1. How did esports start?
    Esports started with the first-ever video game competition called “Intergalactic Spacewar Olympics” in 1972 at Stanford University.

  2. What are some popular esports games?
    Some popular esports games include League of Legends (LoL), Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), Dota 2, and PUBG Mobile.

  3. Can I bet on esports?
    Yes, you can bet on esports through online betting platforms like W88. These platforms offer a wide range of betting options for various esports tournaments and matches.

  4. How can I improve my skills in esports?
    To improve your skills in esports, you can practice regularly, watch professional matches, analyze top players’ strategies, and participate in online communities to learn from experienced players.

  5. Is esports considered a professional sport?
    Yes, esports is considered a professional sport, with players competing at a high level and earning significant income through prize money and sponsorships.