Blackjack: How to Play and Pro Tips for Consistent Winning

Blackjack, also known as Xì lát or Xì dách, is a popular card game that has captured the hearts of many online casino enthusiasts at For those who are new to the game, understanding how to play and learn the tips and tricks to win against the house can be a daunting task. Let’s dive into the analysis to make playing Blackjack a breeze.

Overview of Blackjack

Blackjack, also known as Xì lát or Xì dách, is a card game with a long history and unclear origins. According to reliable sources, this card game originated in France or Spain in the late 17th century.

However, it wasn’t until the 1960s that it was officially introduced in the United States with the same rules as today. Using 2 to 4 decks of 52 cards (excluding Jokers), Blackjack is truly a game of comparing scores between players and the house.

When a round begins, 2 or more cards are dealt evenly to both sides. Then, the two sides compare their scores, and whoever has the closest score to 21 without going over wins. With its simple and understandable rules and high chances of winning, Blackjack attracts a large number of players in the global casino community today.

How to Play Blackjack for Beginners

To understand and apply winning strategies when playing Blackjack at, it is essential to first understand the rules of the game. Only by grasping the gameplay can you successfully “defeat” the house and win money.

Placing Bets
In each game of Blackjack, there are two betting options: the house and the player. The first step is to choose an appropriate amount to bet on the game. Each game will have a minimum and maximum betting limit. Your task is to select an amount and place the corresponding chip in your position. The best part is that there is no limit on the amount of bets in this game, allowing you to freely choose the appropriate betting amount based on your personal finances.

Dealing Process
The dealer will shuffle and deal the cards counterclockwise, starting from the player on the right side. In the first deal, each side will receive 2 cards.

For the players, the first two cards will be placed face up on the table for everyone to see. In contrast, the house will only reveal 1 card in the final deal.

Player’s Turn
The rule for drawing additional cards follows the same principles as the initial deal mentioned above. If the player’s first two cards are Blackjack and the house does not have it at this moment, the player wins directly. In the case of the house having Blackjack, that round will end in a tie. If the total points of the first two cards are under 21, the player must make a decision:

  • Hit: Draw a third card to reach 21 points or get as close to 21 as possible. If the total points exceed 21, the player loses.
  • Stand: Do not draw a third card and use the current score to compare with the house.
  • Double Down: Draw an additional third card and double the previous bet amount.
  • Split: If the player has a pair of identical cards, they can split them into two separate hands. Afterwards, each hand will receive an additional third card, with the bet amount remaining the same as the initial bet, but evenly divided between the two sides.

For example, if you initially bet 100k, each hand will also have a bet of 100k. However, at, there are certain restrictions on splitting, such as splitting Aces only being allowed to draw one additional card or not counted as Blackjack.

Insurance in Blackjack
Insurance is an option that can only be applied when the dealer’s face-up card is an Ace. The amount placed for insurance will be half of the initial bet amount. The player wins if the dealer reveals Blackjack, and vice versa, the player loses.

During the dealer’s turn, the dealer will be the last to expose their cards. After revealing the hidden card, if the total points do not reach 17, the dealer will draw additional cards until they reach 17 or higher. Then, both sides will calculate the total points to determine the outcome as a win, loss, or tie.

Winning Tips for Blackjack at

In a game that relies on strategy, playing based on intuition significantly reduces the chances of winning against the house. That is why it is crucial to learn and practice useful playing tips in your Blackjack journey. Here are some important tips to consider:

Knowing When to Stop
Stopping at the right time is a wise strategy when playing any type of gambling. In Blackjack, the best decision to stop and wait for an opportunity to win against the house is when the total points fall between 12 and 16.

In addition, observe the dealer’s face-up card, especially if it has a value from 2 to 6. You need to learn and determine the optimal stopping point, such as stopping at 14-16 points if the dealer’s card is a 4, rather than stopping at 13 points.

Drawing Additional Cards
When the dealer’s face-up card is 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K, or A, and your total points range from 12 to 16, it is the ideal time to draw an additional card. This choice is based on the high probability that the dealer’s card will be 10, increasing your chances of getting a Blackjack or a score close to 21.

Splitting Pairs
Splitting pairs is an intelligent strategy but must be followed precisely. When playing Blackjack, always remember to split when you have a pair of 8s and a pair of Aces. Keeping the total points of these pairs only results in a score of 2 or 16, which decreases the chances of winning. On the contrary, when you split, you have the opportunity to achieve a higher score and potentially win on both split hands, significantly increasing your chances of winning.

Doubling Down
When you have a total of 11 and the dealer’s face-up card is between 2 and 10, or when you have a pair of 2 and 6, it is the perfect time to make a double down bet. The likelihood of winning in these situations is evaluated to be over 80% by experts and experienced players, so take advantage of this opportunity.

Observing Opponents
Observing your opponents is a crucial tip that we want to share with you to become a skilled Blackjack player. While not everyone has the ability to observe and evaluate opponents, it is essential. Take the time to observe, practice, and accumulate experience from battles to develop your accurate judgment skills.

In Conclusion

Blackjack is an exciting and captivating card game, but it requires you to study it thoroughly to play successfully. With the shared knowledge from, we hope that you gain more experience in playing the most rewarding CASINO game.